Pieter Lindhout
Pieter Lindhout
Pieter Lindhout
Born: 10 October 1834
- Noordwijk Binnen, Zuid Holland, NETHERLANDS
Married: Johanna van Doorn - 30 July 1868
-Noordwijk aan Zee, Zuid Holland, NETHERLANDS
-Wilhelmina Hendrika Lindhout (b. 26 Jun 1869)
-Dirk Pieter Lindhout (b. 2 Aug 1870)
-Pieter Jacob Lindhout (b. 30 Aug 1871 d. 8 Jan 1880)
-Johannes Hendrik Lindhout (b. 17 Dec 1872)
-* Hendrik Cornelis Lindhout (b.Jan 1875 d. Dec 1960)
-Cornelis Lindhout (b. 22 Oct 1876)
-Ebeneezer Lindhout (b. 10 Oct 1878)
-Pieternella Jacoba Lindhout (b. 21 May 1881)
Died: 14 December 1920
- Dirk Lindhout (b. 1796 d. 1870)
-Wilhelmina Hendrika Van Dijk (b. 1797 d. 1872)
Personal Anecdotes:
In 1845, when Pieter Lindhout was 11 years old, he went to work for the firm "P. Groeneveld & Zoon" in Noordwijk. Pieter worked his way through the ranks to become a "meester knecht" and in 1890 he became a partner in the firm. The name of the firm then became "Groeneveld en Lindhout" and still carries that name today.
The firm raises, handles and dries vegetables, herbs and flowering bulbs.
Three sons of Pieter Lindhout (Dirk, Pieter and Johannes Hendrik) worked and became partners in the firm.
Pieter and Johanna Lindhout Fortieth Wedding Anniversary Picture (1908)
Historical Context:
- 1837: Coronation of Queen Victoria (England)
- 1840: Abdication of Willem I
- 1840: Willem II crowned king
- 1842: work resumes on Cologne cathedral
- 1843: Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman” opera premieres
- 1845/46: Potato Famine
Ministerial Responsibility/Constitutional Monarchy
- 1849: Willem II dies
- 1849: Willem III is crowned king
- 1849: Thorbecke: First Prime Minister
- 1853: Vincent van Gogh is born
- 1856: Louis Pasteur shows spread of disease by germs.
- 1859: Darwin publishes “Origin of the Species”
- 1867: Confederation of Canada
- 1866: Europe and North America are connected by telegraph cable
- 1873: Heineken Family (Noordwijk) founds Heineken Breweries
- 1876: Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone
-1867: Confederation of Canada
- 1890: Wilhelmina enthroned as Queen of The Netherlands. (She reigns for 58 years through 1948).
- 1901: Marconi send the first wireless transAtlantic message from England to Newfoundland
- 1903: Henry Ford launches the Ford Motor Company
- 1903: Wright Brothers first flight
- 1914: Germany declares war on France. First World War begins and Netherlands remains neutral.
- 1917: Russian Revolution
-1918 (to 1920): “Spanish flu” (influenza) sweeps the world killing between 50 and 100 million people.
-1901: Marconi sends the first wireless transAtlantic message from England to Newfoundland
-October 1919: KLM (Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij) is formed
Pieter Lindhout (b. 1834) and Johanna van Doorn (b. 1837)