Hendrik Cornelis Lindhout
Hendrik Cornelis Lindhout
Born: 13 May 1927
- Noordwijk, Zuid Holland, NETHERLANDS
Married: Lenie Drijver
Died: 17 January 2014
- Pieter Lindhout (b. 1900 d. 1979)
-Magdalena Middelburg (b. 1905)
Historical Context:
-1921/22: Noordwijk Vuurtoren is constructed
-1932: Zuider Zee Project commences
-1933: Hitler appointed as Chancellor of Germany
-1939: Dutch government opens Westerbork as a refugee camp
- 1939 (September):
Nazi Germany invades Poland
World War II commences.
Netherlands declares neutrality
England and Canada declare war on Nazi Germany
-1940 (May):
Germany severely bombs Rotterdam
Netherlands surrenders and becomes occupied territory
Queen Wilhelmina evacuates to England establishes government in exile
- 1940: Princess Juliana in exile in Ottawa
- 1941 (January): Princess Margriet is born in Ottawa Canada
-1941 (December):
USA enters WWII
-1942: Nazis convert Westerbork refugee camp into a deportation camp. Anne Frank was interned in Westerbork before being send to her death in Bergen Belsen.
-1942: Construction of the “Atlantic Wall” begins in Noordwijk
-1944:Nazis commence V-1 rocket attacks on London from Noordwijk area
-1944 (June) : D-Day invasion by Allied Forces
NL is liberated by Canadian forces.
VE Day (Victory in Europe)
August: VJ Day (Victory in Japan)
-1948 (September): Queen Wilhelmina abdicates the Dutch throne in favour of her daughter Queen Juliana
-1949: Mao Zedong establishes the People’s Republic of China
-1969: First Man on the Moon
-1980: Queen Juliana abdicates the Dutch throne in favour of her daughter Beatrix
-1986: Bill Vander Zalm (a native of Noordwijkerhout NL) is elected Premier of British Columbia
-1989: Canada/US Free Trade Agreement
-1992: North American FTA (NAFTA)
-1993: Maastricht Treaty - formation of the European Union
-1998: Google is founded in Menlo Park CA
-2000: Population estimates:
..World - 6.1 billion
..Europe - 700 million
..Netherlands - 16 million
..Canada - 31 million
-2001: attacks on World Trade Center in NYC and Pentagon in Washington DC
-2012 (Oct): Hurricane Sandy strikes the Caribbean and eastern North America
-2013: Queen Beatrix abdicates the Dutch throne in favour of her son Willem-Alexander ....becoming the first Dutch king in 123 years since the death (in 1890) of his great great grandfather, King Willem III)