Isaac Abrahamszn (van Linthout)
Isaac Abrahamszn (van Linthout)
Isaac Abrahamszoon (van Linthout)
Born: abt 1610
Married: Annette Jansdochter
-Joannis Isaacsdochter (b. 1632 d. bef 1637)
-Philip Isaacszoon (b. 1634 d. bef 1638)
Married: Jantje Harmensdr (van Utrecht)
4 May 1636, Warmond Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
-Joannis Isaacsdochter (b. 1637)
-Philip Isaacszoon (b. 1638)
-Harmen Isaacszoon (b. 1641)
-*Paulus Isaaks Linthout (b. 1May 1643 d. Dec 1693)
-Trijntje Isaacsdochter (b. 1645)
-Rebecca Issacsdochter (b. 1648)
-Isaac Abrahamszoon (b. 1651)
-Gertje Isaacsdochter (b. 1653)
Died: 30 December 1693
Occupation: Locksmith (“slotenmaker”)
- Abraham Philipszoon (b. 1580 d. 1645)
-Rebecca Jansdochter (d. 1635)
Personal Anecdotes:
-Appears to be the first person to carry the "Lindhout surname". He is only identified with this name (i.e. as Isaac Abrahamszn van Linthout) at the time of his second marriage (to Judith Harmansdochter) in 1636.
Historical Context:
-1609: Henry Hudson (working for Dutch East India Company) anchors off Manhattan Island and sails up the Hudson River
-1615: Champlain sails into Lake Huron
-1618: Rene Descartes (“I think, therefore I am”) moves to The Netherlands
-1626: Dutch West India Company establishes Nieuw Amsterdam (later NYC)
-1630 (to 1654): Netherlands conquers Brazil
-1637: peak of Tulip Mania
-1639: Dutch universities being teaching Descartes’ principles and philosophies
-1642: Taj Mahal is built in India
-1642: Rembrandt van Rijn paints “The Night Watch”
-1645: Seventy year period of extremely cold winters begins (Maunder Minimum/Little Ice Age). Canals regularly freeze in Netherlands
-1650: WIllem II dies (of smallpox) and Netherlands is without a monarch (to 1672)
-1652: Dutch East Indies Co establishes a settlement near Cape of Good Hope
-1652 (through 1654): First Anglo Dutch War (for supremacy of the seas)
-1653: Battle of Scheveningen
Peace with England (Treaty of Westminster)
Johan de Witt; first Statesman of the Dutch Republic
-1661: Brazil sold to Portugal
-1670: Hudson’s Bay Company is founded.
-1672 (through 1674): 3rd Anglo Dutch War
-1672: Louis XIV (France) invades Holland
-1675 Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers micro-organisms through his microscope
-1688: WIllem of Orange (William III) sets sail for England from Hellevoetsluis (Rotterdam)
-1689: John Locke returns to England from Netherlands espousing religious tolerance, and arguing against the “divine right of kings”